At 7.10 a.m:  

Constantine (0*):  4 to 6 feet  

The wind is still screeching through the hedgerows this morning, not with the same howl as we have been enjoying so much lately but still fresh enough to chop and push and roll that already messed up surf into the bay, a gusting sou’ wester carrying the odd drenching downpour.
It is milder though.
And quieter.
The school half-term holidays seem to have stuttered to a weird kind of finish, just in time for, well, let’s not go there just yet, eh!   


Harlyn (3*):  3 feet  


That sou’ wester is still stinging its way offshore at Harlyn this morning, jetting sand at the three foot waves and putting ribs on those dropping tide torn little waves. The water is looking wintery as the girls from the early morning swim club leave the carpark but as they will tell you, it is positively balmy out there!……. for November!   


Today’s Tide Times:

Low Tide:  11:58  (1.3m)              High Tide:  17:50  (7.2m)



Surf Forecast for Monday 2nd November 2020  

More south westerly, hard blowing winds are expected again today as the kids ungraciously head back to start another weird half term of schooling.
But for the wave-watchers and seascape artists out there and those big wave warriors steadfastly clinging to their big wave surfboards, we can watch a new and mountainous swell crash onto our coast.
The wind is going to be tough again but for those who know where those tucked away little jewels are located, you are going to have a ball!
Take it easy though, the lifeguards are gone so you’re on your own!!   

Surf Conditions for the Start of the Week

The wind will continue to batter our already storm-torn and wave-scarred little stretch of coastline well into the start of this first week of November but as another lockdown beckons then ‘lockdown conditions’ will surely apply?
With no scientific basis whatsoever, I’m predicting that the breeze will switch offshore, the swell will settle and strengthen while a clear and pleasant sun will bathe us in its lockdown beauty.
It just seems to be the way that it works!
But before that we will see more stormy conditions with huge and windswept, torn and tattered swells roaring our way, demanding more exciting road trips to hidden away Point breaks and tucked away river mouths and all sorts of surf breaks.
And remember that the lifeguards have packed their suncream and speedos and left for sunnier parts – or maybe not this year? But either way, you’re on your own out there so take it easy!
Stay safe, stay happy, stay well and have a great week, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing!