At 7.20 a.m:  

Constantine (4*):  3 to 5 feet  

And another gorgeous morning is spreading along the coastline this morning, that milk hazed but clear blue sky promising milder for later, the gentle birdsong more of Spring than Winter chirping across the bay while the breeze drifts offshore to meet three to four feet of curling and cresting, peaking Atlantic swells.
It is fabulous, especially if you have been cooped up in Hospital treatment rooms for most of the last five weeks!
So, if you have the time you might just want to slip away and try your luck at shimmying across a few of those glass walled waves. You can take your pick of board styles or lengths, anything will work in these conditions (depending on your fitness, motivation and and ability levels!).
Have a good ‘un!


Harlyn (3*):  2 to 3 feet  

A couple of feet of smooth and curvy, fast moving little waves are whip-cracking their way across the low tide sands of Harlyn this morning, an almost cartoon like sunburst dawn shooting rays down the valley to frontlight those reeling little barrels.
If the other bays aren’t doing it for you today you should find some snappy little tubes to play in right here all day long!  


Today’s Tide Times:

Low Tide:  19:55  (2.3m)              High Tide:  13:15  (5.9m)



Surf Forecast for Saturday 16th February 2019  

The wind is likely to veer more to the south west through this afternoon but maybe not before twitching a little to the south east through mid-morning, allowing our favourite surf breaks to impress again.
Harlyn is likely to be the venue of choice for most though as the schools break up for their half-term holidays, allowing all those frothing groms out in search of some milder but still cold water wave riding action.
The two to three feet of curling and offshore wind hollowed waves that we can expect at Harlyn should last all day long too!

Surf Conditions for the Weekend  

These beautiful, mellow and sun filled days should drift well into this weekend, the sky bright, mild winds drifting up from the south and plenty of open swells rolling our way!
So that mild winter sunshine should continue to cheer us all day long through Saturday, the thick four foot swell of the morning easing off as the day goes on.
The half-term holiday groms are going to be loving Harlyn as those winds smooth and clean the dropping swell, the neap tides barely moving at all.
Bigger swells are going to be tumbling in through Sunday, the wind gusting back from the south west, again cleaning and shaping the surf at Harlyn.
And that surf is likely to get big by evening with some board snapping barrels grinding their way ashore through the afternoon.
That is likely to set the theme for the coming school holiday, half-term week with some big swells expected along with gusting daily south westerly winds. So, big and chunky Harlyn will be the place to surf locally while that bright and dry and pleasant weather continues!
Have a great weekend, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing!