At 7.50 a.m:  

Constantine (3*):  2 feet 

There’s a little look of Winter out there this morning as a brisk south easterly wind blusters into the bay beneath a heavy sky of grey but so far the air is mild enough.
There are small waves peaking and peeling pristinely across the high tide sand, a foot or two of curling glass looping and bending ashore.
It is quite beautiful but those waves are tiny!   


Harlyn (0*):  Flat  

The sea is smooth in the early morning half light of a threatening autumn morning at Harlyn but there are no waves reaching here today.
It’s as flat as flat can be.
Quite beautiful though!   


Today’s Tide Times:

Low Tide:  13:54  (1.5m)              High Tide:  19:47  (6.7m)



Surf Forecast for Sunday 1st December 2019  

It’s going to be colder but brighter today but the surf should be pumping!
Three feet plus of offshore breeze sculpted barrels are likely to be peeling our way all day long.
That north easterly wind is going to feel cold, cold, cold though!

Surf Conditions for the Weekend  

Blustering offshore winds are going to make for colder temperatures this weekend, starting out fresh and from the east through Saturday, calming a little and backing a few degrees more to the north east for Sunday.
Those small waves of Saturday are going to be buffeted in the dampness of a late autumn cold spell, that easterly wind ratcheting up gusts of 35 to 40 miles per hour straight into the faces of those trying little waves.
If you can snuggle down beneath a headland on the pushing tide you should get some good ones, certainly at those more swell exposed spots anyway.
By Sunday the wind should have calmed to more of a breeze, still really cold as it travels all the way down the coast from colder lands but with some bright wintery sunshine to rescue the situation. And as the wind eases in strength, more swell is going to be allowed through, a decent three feet plus peeling and breaking at our favourite surf spots.
Yep, Sunday should be very okay – as long as you have e a decent wetsuit! So it’s a good job that we have a whole range of suits on sale at the shop this weekend!
Have a great weekend, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing!