At 5.45 a.m:  

Constantine (1*):  2 to 3 feet 

A mizzly and drizzly, murk filled morning is clamping us down beneath a heavy layer of dampness this morning, a blustering westerly wind not managing to budge the heavy denseness of gloom.
Two feet of windwashed junk surf is tumbling to the beach, a weak and messy mix of grey collapsing waves, hardly enticing but probably a little more fun than you’d expect if you do make the effort.
These are the days when those good guys put the work in to get good!   


Harlyn (1*):  1 to 2 feet  

Harlyn is a dark and damp place this morning, a lo viz mess of dense murk, mist and fog.
It’s quiet though, that peaceful accoustic blanket of mist and fog covering and deadening the morning wake-up calls of farm, field and beach.
Even the foot or two of crumbling and shuffling surf seems to be whispering in the sullen earliness of a damp and dreary day.
It could be a good day to get some none surfing, other stuff done.
But I’m not sure what that is?   


Today’s Tide Times:

Low Tide:  14:42  (1.5m)              High Tide:  08:21  (6.8m)



Surf Forecast for Thursday 19th March 2015

Another cosy day of drizzle and dampness could snuggle over us all day again today, the small and weak surf shuffling around the bays but not in an attractive way.
Still, those unexpectant surf sessions can be the most fun sometimes!  

Surf Conditions for the Start of the Week

Those north westerly winds at the start of the week should ease back quite quickly backing more south westerly through Tuesday before calming to a northerly breeze through midweek.
So we are looking at another mixed week of mainly tatty and raggedy surf bumbling along the coastline in the three to four foot size range.
There should be plenty of waves to attract everyone in but it’s unlikely that we will see much quality surf this week.
Midweek promises to have the most relaxing weather with plenty of sunshine, even if it does feel a little chilly in the breeze. But, again, the surf is likely to be a bit sloppy.
Stay safe, stay happy, stay well and have a great week, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing!