At 8.05 a.m:  

Constantine (0*):  8 to 10 feet  

It sounds like the heat of the storm happened overnight, leaving a still gale force north westerly howling through but with just a little less oomph to it.
Don’t go rushing through your spring wardrobe just yet though, there’s more wind (and rain or sleet) to come!
In the meantime we can enjoy more gale force squalls scurrying across the horizon while eight or ten feet of wind-blasted storm surf surges into the bay.
It’s another far coast day if you have the enthusiasm and drive, you’re unlikely to find anything worth surfing on this coast again today!  


Harlyn (0*):  6 to 8 feet  

Six to eight feet of stormy and wind-blasted surf is being pushed into Harlyn this morning, that still gale force north westerly screeching in hard.
The sand is blowing high, the surf is exploding higher and those squalls are drenching everything.
It looks like another journey south is on the cards!


Today’s Tide Times:

Low Tide:  12:01  (1.5m)              High Tide:  17:53  (6.9m)



Surf Forecast for Thursday 18th January 2018  

Slightly lighter winds and a slightly smaller swell are still going to be broiling together in the bays.
That wind is still going to be gale and still going to be from the north west, while the surf is still going to be big and out of control around here. It’s another day for a south coast surfari if you’re keen!?   

Surf Conditions for the Rest of the Week

Those onshore (on this coast) north westerly winds are returning for this week, coinciding with a big and solid swell.
Ten to fifteen feet of choppy and windswept surf is going to plague our surf breaks all week long, teasing and testing and re-modelling our bays and beaches.
If we want to enjoy some clean and rideable surf this week then we are going to have to travel, the south coast being our obvious and nearest destination of choice. The beauty of that at this time of year though is that we should be able to find some quiet and secluded, great breaking surf spots and maybe have them all to ourselves too!
Have a great week, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing!